Why is my kijiji ad inactive. When you’re selling something on Kijiji, you want to. Why is my kijiji ad inactive

 When you’re selling something on Kijiji, you want toWhy is my kijiji ad inactive  From the drop-down menu, select My Ads

No, there isn’t. Why people ask "Is this available. You may think: “Oh, I can make a Kijiji account for other ads that I want to run. Kijiji occasionally will block an advertisement from showing up for twenty four hours to prevent spam. save. Not delivering. Keep me signed in. Keep me signed in. I'm trying to sell a cellphone, but the ad keeps on having an inactive status. You have to be signed in to be able to use this feature. Kijiji why are my iphone pictures upside down. ago. At least their system works, unlike auto trader that seems to. How to Promote My Ad Benefits of Promoting Ads Cost of Promoting Ads Accepted Payment Methods. . Select (and hold) the ad you would like to delete. 3. If you are the owner: You can only post 2 FREE Ads on Kijiji at one time . I post ONE ad per city. The item I have up for sale on Ebay. Service 65. When I post some of my listings. Choose the images you'd like to use in your ad. I've just started a business and am trying to post in Services, but it won't let me. They get flagged and are not posted. So the seller lists it as "sold" to keep additional buyers from reaching out but in the event the original buyer flakes they can easier remove "sold" and wont have to re-post the ad from scratch. Choose dark mode if needed. A blue switch indicates active status, and a gray switch indicates inactive status. Here I am on Kijiji looking at stuff. Not registered yet? Register now to post, edit, and manage ads. Instead, choose Kijiji Ad Repost Plus, the ultimate chrome extension that flawlessly reposts your Kijiji ads with ease. Continue browsing in. I get no notification of this and it happens anywhere from minutes to hours after I publish an ad. Sharing is Caring. In My Ads its says everything is on page 1 which is impossible as I haven't posted them in a long time. I've had to deal with both. Need to use the iOS app for kijiji, the only solution. 3. Gumtree is the first site for free classifieds ads in the UK. There is no apparent reason why this happens. The Highlight feature doesn’t change the position of your ad in the general listings. kijiji. The program was created by Etresoft, a frequent contributor. From this section you can read about what each feature offers, review pricing, and select the feature you want by clicking the + button. A. How do I bump my ad on Kijiji for free. This discussion closely relates to: Kijiji how to rotate picture. . Select the Post Ad button found at the top of our website. Why is My Facebook Ad Active But Not Running?Your QueryHow to fix Facebook ads not deliveringWhy is My Facebook Ad Active But Not Runningfacebook ads not run. But I see username and total number of listings on other Kijiji ads? Reply [deleted] • Additional comment actions. Thorough titles. Select (and hold) the ad you would like to feature and click Increase Visibility. r/kijiji • 4 days ago. Yes it's annoying, but we all benefit from a free product. I've had to deal with both. This works in all categories except Services. How to Solve Delayed Ads on Kijiji. 3 comments. Especially annoying when my ad was being taken down for being a dupe since someone else had posted the same item at the same price and copied my description, yet somehow their ad was allowed to stay, but when I deleted and reposted mine, bang, dupe of theirs. ca (/ k iː ˈ dʒ iː dʒ iː / kee-JEE-jee; Swahili pronunciation: , village) is a Canadian online classified advertising website and part of eBay Classifieds Group, which was acquired by Adevinta [] in 2020. Promoting My Ads. Are you tired of your listings falling below page one, resulting in no new visits to your ads? Say goodbye to paying an extra $15. You may have to click the scroll arrow if you have more than one ad to view all ad previews. How many free Kijiji ads can I post? Each household or. I am wondering if I did something wrong or if I need to pay for that type of listing. Don't submit over 1920*1080 as their server will automatically downscale it lower than 1280*800, like thumbnail size. However, if you know the title of the expired ad you're trying to view, then you can view the page by: Google search the title of the expired ad - (ex. We agreed about the price and everything, but the buyer would only buy the car by cheque. It appears as a person icon, a generic K icon, or your profile photo. After chatting with Meta support, they have not given me any indication as to why. It takes less than 60 seconds!To resolve this issue, you can try one or more of the following solutions. Hi everyone, It is my first time trying to sell stuff on Kijiji. Make sure your ad is turned on if you want it to run. To pause all the ads in an ad set, click the switch under the ad set 's "Status". Kijiji Canada - 416 number scam sellers on kijiji. First off, a good ad is like a good post. Best Answer. That's on your email inbox settings. nothing works. I'm not looking to dicker really. Kijiji make money by following means:Kijiji charges from used/new car dealers for each car ad put on Kijiji each month. Delayed. . But depending on what you're selling it can hit the right demographic. Report. How do I make my Kijiji ad inactive? To change the state of one ad at a time, click on the drop-down menu and. 1. The recipient can now reply. An email will be sent to your new email address. Sign in to your Kijiji account, and select My Ads. Details in comments. They even block account, That is pure discrimination. Include important facts such as brand name, product name, size, and price in your title in order to get people to read your full ad. I can then turn the ad back on and it starts running straight away, directly into "active". Created a Kijiji Ad Reposter (Bump Listing to Page 1) While trying to sell some things, I noticed that my ad's were being pushed down to page 4-5 within a day. Likewise, a completed ad set has been scheduled to run during a certain time period. If you have experience with Kijiji, skip the first few sections and find out why your ad is not active. That way, every Top Ad gets equal exposure. 162. This policy is effective January 1, 2009. This can usually be reversed if you ask for a review or file an appeal. Don't worry though, if your duplicate ad was removed and you have also deleted your original ad, you can re-post using our Kijiji app by going into your inactive ads. And a gray switch indicates inactive. My ad keeps on being inactive. You can resume the campaign whenever you’d like to run its ads. If a campaign is turned on but says “Ad Set Disabled”, the ad set is inactive. Hi everyone, It is my first time trying to sell stuff on Kijiji. 2. Maybe you could take the time to read my posts before replying. Select your preferred area from the drop-down menu. I've been looking for about 4 months. Inactive. With the all new Kijiji app, you can shop, sell, browse, and trade up second hand items from home, on the go, and wherever you are in Canada. This will reopen the ad and allow you to change the contents. To pause individual ads in an ad set. Kijiji’s goal is to maintain a fair marketplace for all sellers and buyers. I even received the email saying my ad is active BUT when I go to “my ads” it’s not there. People put stuff up as free ALL the time on FB to get you to look then say in the ad "hey, this is more expensive than every other equivalent item on the site lol. Has anyone had this problem? I had 30 books on there for about a year now, slowly selling them one by one. Give your new ad some time to see if it will be approved. When you’re selling something on Kijiji, you want to ensure. If you have experience with kijiji, skip the first few sections and find out why your ad is not active. You can select one of the suggestions or choose a main category and sub-category (if required) from the list. Sounds like your email service/client is at fault. 2. Expired ads will remain available for reposting in the ‘Inactive Ads’ tab for 60 days. Montreal. 2. I'm trying to sell a cellphone, but the ad keeps on having an inactive status. To edit the ads within the campaign, click Edit on the "Ad text, images & landing page" card, then click Edit Ad. It can take up to 12 hours for ads to go through our system before they are posted on Kijiji. It appears as a person icon, a generic K icon, or your profile photo. Web App There are tons of reasons why you might delete your listing. Ad in review Anyone else getting their ads put under inactive due to "routine quality review?" I don't know if it's because it appear suspicious as I put in the description that I can handle transactions online, which may be why. Addressing this warning may improve performance. Right under the websites link in large. Pausing your ad will not affect your ads expiry; unpausing your ad resets the expiry date to 31 days from the unpausing date. My filter was. Edit: I wish Kijiji would tell you if the other person is using chat. I’m not sure if it’s the browser or the blockers I had installed. Sep 24th, 2015 2:09 pm. Sometimes Etsy will deactivate listings or close a shop if the account is new. The campaign, ad set, or ad is experiencing limited delivery. anyone else see this trend: if someone on Kijiji or GC wants to call or email you rather than deal in the portal of choice it’s at least 95% of the time. ; Select the Add-in type in the Manage box and then click Go. Someone has reported your ad. Once signed into the account used to post the ad, you can see if it is pending by selecting My Ads, and clicking on Inactive. I am wondering if I did. , select Measurement and Select conversions. To find out where your ad is visible, you should use Kijiji’s status checker. I spend so much time for it to be auto deleted with no reason and no source of support. How long do Kijiji ads stay up? Kijiji If you are a professional seller: We charge professional sellers a listing fee per ad. Contact support and let them know. Why is my ad not active on Kijiji? Delayed. Fortunately, hidden in the page source, the real dates seem to be available. 2. If the buyers are savvy enough to 'filter' out the stores then you can find deals. For up to 60 days after your ad expiry, you will be able to access and repost it from your My Ads > Inactive section. ago. ** * *** I'm the community relations manager for Kijiji. . top-feature,div. Find the ad you’d like to promote and click Get More Views. I'm trying to sell my ps5 I bought about a year ago and kijiji keeps deleting my ad. I've been trying to post my ads on kijiji for a while now but getting deleted, what would be the problem? Press J to jump to the feed. ⭐️ Track your ads performance with. I fell for it yesterday. I raise this as I believe I found my stolen bike after a week. Some people have noticed that even alot of slang terms will get nailed in the filter. 1. You can use Kijiji to buy, sell, and trade various goods and services. I am wondering if I did something wrong or if I need to pay for that type of listing. We are proud to announce an updated Kijiji app! It has all the features you love with a new look and feel. For help with deleting an ad on Kijiji, read Deleting My Ad. You got delayed if the word “delayed” appears on any free ad on Kijiji in the Inactive tab. My ad keeps on being inactive. i mean the height and width of the image to be displayed while. Created an account in kijiji today and posted my ad around 3pm, almost 8pm and the ad is in review. For others, too ad could even negatively affect your chances of selling. 2.